
接着昨天的讲,今天谷爱凌不负众望,以完美的三跳不仅战胜了对手,同时也战胜了自己,实至名归的获得了金牌,实在是可喜可贺。前两天在微博上刷到她前不久在纽约时报上的文章《I Admit It. I’m in Love With Fear》,说的实在是太好了, 下面摘选了我觉得说的很好的两段。

“Fear”is really an umbrella term for three distinct sensations:excitement, uncertainty, and pressure. I’ve learned that the nuanced indicators of each of these feelings can be instrumental to success when recognized and positively leveraged,and harbingers of injury when ignored.

It’s biologically counterintuitive for us to place ourselves in positions of risk, and while we make every effort to physically prepare, no amount of metaphorically safety-netted practice can equate to the unforgiving snow slope that rushes up to meet us after a steep kicker launches us into the air. Instead of ignoring fear, we build unique relationships with it by developing a profound sense of self-awareness and making deliberate risk assessments.




2022-02-08 21:19